
Friday 26 August 2011

LG LSM-100 Scanner Mouse

Technology turns everything easy for us no doubt, now you can scan your documents through your mouse. Recently LG has showing LSM-100 Scanner Mouse at CES 2011. It functions as a scanner and mouse. LG made it for the commercialize purpose.
To kickstart the scanning procedure on a Mac or Widows PC, you just press the scan button the software will turn on and display the part the scanner is on the framing over.
The base of the rodent has a glass or plastic sheet, packed with five LEDs for thecamera to perceive the picture being reflected off of the mirror within. It also works as a right mouse, featuring a scroll wheel plus left, right and back buttons. It is built in advance technology.
The mouse also includes a dual lasers set up on the top and bottom of the underneath, you can essentially turn the mouse in whichever route and it’ll select up anything.
It seems that a translate copy on a sheet into editable wording inside a text editor. Design of this latest mouse is just similar to the ordinary mouse. There is no price details are available yet.

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