
Friday 12 August 2011

A Walk on the Seashore

As I stand on the edge of the sea shore, the waves caressing my feet every few moments and then backing away, as if afraid of coming too near. The cool moist wind caresses my face and I can feel the all the events of the day weighing down upon my shoulders. Sometimes even the brightest of days can turn in to something you never expected. The best of mornings can bring you the worst of pains. Just when you feel that nothing could ever go wrong, the whole world comes crashing down upon you and you are left helpless, like a helpless child watches his house burn right in front of his eyes and all he can do is stare, and think, what can I do to set things right again.
Eventually, the sun goes down and all the birds have returned to their respected homes, the sea shore which a few moments ago was the center of activity, bathes in serenity, silence envelops it and the waves washes away all the footsteps on the sand. Leaving no evidence of what ever went on the whole day. An occasional couple here or there strolls along the water’s edge, and pleasure themselves in the mere company of each other, rarely uttering any words; just basking in silence.
Watching them I am once again reminded of how alone I am in this world, with only the sea to keep me company. The whispers of the waves, the only sound to my ear, and the caress of the water, the only thing near enough to touch me. A wild thought crosses my mind, if I was to walk right into the ocean, no one would ever notice, at least not until a body washes up on a distant shore, maybe this shore, or may be it doesn’t wash up at all. And if it does wash up, will anyone be able to recognize it. A loud howl of a dog broke my musings and I shook my head to dispel the thought from my mind. I cannot think like that, I may have lost the most important thing of my life, but I still am important in other people’s life, the last thing I wanted was to make them go through what I am going through. The last thing I want, is for them to feel the emptiness I feel. No, I cannot do this to them, and to myself. With this final encouragement from my conscience I force myself to move on and return home. I walk toward my car, and look around, I notice the stars are already out, and there is no sign of the sun which set a few hours ago. I realize that it is probably too late. I give the ocean one last look hoping that it would be my last. But a voice inside my head whispered, no dear, this is just the beginning of a whole lot of visits…………………………


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